Pipeline Operation

Woodway Energy Infrastructure’s personnel are experienced and highly trained in all aspects of midstream infrastructure operational functional elements.  Woodway’s Operations Team ensures the safety, reliability, and consistency that our customers expect.


Environmental Compliance

Woodway meets or exceeds environmental standards and permit requirements in both our operations and construction activities.  We plan, schedule, and work to minimize environmental impacts while being responsive to the industries and communities we help serve.


Safety Systems

An integrated multi-echelon approach to safety, Woodway deploys the latest technology to ensure safe and reliable transportation of natural gas.  Safety starts at the top with a corporate culture and extends to how we build and operate daily. 


Regulatory Compliance

Woodway Energy Infrastructure maintains an outstanding compliance program.  Documentation and records meet or exceed audit readiness requirements.

Integrity Management

Woodway Energy Infrastructure is a leader in “keeping it in the pipeline”.  Our Integrity Management Program incorporates best-in-class technologies and the latest techniques to ensure the energy we transport powers the industries and public we help serve.

Corrosion Protection

Woodway Energy Infrastructure’ corrosion specialists use the latest cathodic protection technologies and monitoring programs to maintain the strength and integrity of our pipelines.  Woodway Operations proactively ensures the pipe in the ground is protected against any naturally occurring corrosion.

Encroachment Assessment and Damage Protection

“Call 811 before you dig.”  Woodway Energy Infrastructure values landowner relationships.  As part of our commitment to the communities in which we operate, we assist landowners and business developers by ensuring that proposed new work on or near our pipelines is done safely.  Woodway’s engineers and operations specialists evaluate plans and provide guidance to work safely near our pipelines.  Woodway also proactively monitors the Right of Way for new construction and population growth to maintain all federally and locally mandated operational safety standards.

Operational Efficiency

Woodway’s operations are locally based with line locators and other operations and maintenance personnel living in the communities our pipelines traverse.  Coupling remote monitoring and a local presence, Woodway’s operations team is a responsible partner with industry and the public alike.

Commerical and Operational Optimization

Woodway’s commercial and operational teams work together to ensure customers receive a well-thought-out service from conceptualization through the commercial agreement, construction, and for the life of the relationship.  Woodway Operations provides key insights on route selection, one of the single most impactful components of any pipeline directly impacting cost, schedule, the environment, and public perception of the asset.  Customizing each project, Woodway’s commercial and operations teams provide the single best solution for all stakeholders.

Accounting and Reporting Compliance

Woodway’s back-office and compliance teams meet all federally and locally mandated reporting requirements.  Our relationship with our customers, agencies and third parties who participate in moving natural gas along our pipelines is very important.  Woodway maintains strong and open channels of communication with all stakeholders.  Information shared with these partners is accurate, timely and relevant.

Core Competencies


Emergency Contact

Woodway Energy Infrastructure has personnel on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week to respond to any potential incidents.

Let's Have a Conversation

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